mjl- / mox

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webmail Sent folder should show To instead of From #104

Closed mattfbacon closed 6 months ago

mattfbacon commented 6 months ago

The From is likely to be the user themself so it would be more useful to show the recipient instead.

mjl- commented 6 months ago

indeed this makes sense, i've had similar thoughts before. i decided to implement it as suggested: showing recipients instead of sender for messages in the Sent mailbox. and at the same time showing all correspondents for collapsed threads. however, that lead to some non-intuitive behaviour: for threads, all messages would show the other side of the conversation, never the sender. i now made a change so the from address is still shown as before, but for messages in the designated Sent mailbox, the addressees are also shown, in italic. the addresses-column is getting a bit crowded now, may need some more whitespace...

mattfbacon commented 6 months ago