mjmsmith / ubergenpass-objc

SuperGenPass-compatible password generator app for iOS
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iOS8 Action extension #3

Open weitzman opened 9 years ago

weitzman commented 9 years ago

Have you thought about adding an action extension for this app? Would you accept a Pull Request for this? Any tips? I'm not an ios dev but i could try.

Some background:

mjmsmith commented 9 years ago

Hi, I'm planning to look into extensions, probably a Today extension first since it's more useful in the general case. Not sure of the timeline yet.

CoolkcaH commented 9 years ago

An action extensions seems best because it would work directly in Safari, get the domain and fill the password field automatically. Other apps would have to add support which won't happen.. https://blog.agilebits.com/2014/09/03/1password-app-extension-developers/

A today extension would be manual just like an app. Also keyboard input is not allowed in the today extensions, some emulate a keyboard using buttons but does not work correctly.

christefano commented 8 years ago

chiming in here that I'd love a share extension, as well. this kind of functionality is what I miss most from switching over to UberGenPass from steve pomeroy's SuperGenPass for Android.

mjmsmith commented 8 years ago

So last time I looked at this, it didn't seem like you could do a lot with an action extension. I've been using Launcher to make UberGenPass more convenient to get to. It shows up in the Today view so I can swipe down from the top of the screen in any app to launch it. That also means you get the "Back to XXX" button at the top left of the screen in UberGenPass. Example screenshots below: (1) Instagram login screen, (2) swipe down to reveal UGP in the Today screen, (3) UGP with the "Back to Instagram" button.

I'm not clear yet what an extension would give you over this in the general case.

img_1140 img_1141 img_1142

weitzman commented 8 years ago

That's a pretty great workflow.

When using chrome or safari a share extension receives the current url so the domain field could be pre filled. That's a significant ux improvement imo.

mjmsmith commented 8 years ago

Ah right, @CoolkcaH mentioned that earlier too. I'll give it another look.

weitzman commented 8 years ago

FYI, I was able to replicate @mjmsmith setup using a Custom URL Launcher with the URL ubergenpass:. I grabbed the lock icon from Google Images for good looks.