mjmsmith / ubergenpass-objc

SuperGenPass-compatible password generator app for iOS
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Disable check of master password? #4

Open andyggg opened 9 years ago

andyggg commented 9 years ago

Is it possible to disable the check for correct spelling of the master password in UGP?

Background: I'm forced to use more than one master password. But currently, UGP accepts only the one master password that has been set in the settings dialog, and does not allow to proceed using a different master password (the "Done" button remains greyed out and cannot be pushed). I cannot find a way how to disable this password check, which makes it quite cumbersome using multiple master passwords in UGP.

Is it possible to turn off the password check? Or is there another smart way how to deal with multiple master passwords that I'm not aware of?

mjmsmith commented 9 years ago

Are you using a secret password? The use case for remembering the secret but not the master is more complicated than the use case for not remembering either.