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implement 998 in its most basic form #28

Open brossetti1 opened 2 years ago

brossetti1 commented 2 years ago

998 165

Specification ERC721 ERC998ERC721 top-down, ERC998ERC20 top-down, and ERC998ERC721 bottom-up composable contracts must implement the ERC-721 interface.

ERC20 ERC998ERC20 bottom-up composable contracts must implement the ERC-20 interface.

ERC165 The ERC-165 standard must be applied to each ERC998 interface that is used.

An ERC998ERC721 top-down composable is an ERC721 token with additional functionality for owning other ERC721 tokens. An ERC998ERC20 top-down composable is an ERC721 token with additional functionality for owning ERC20 tokens. An ERC998ERC721 bottom-up composable is an ERC721 token with additional functionality for being owned by an ERC721 token. An ERC998ERC20 bottom-up composable is an ERC20 token with additional functionality for being owned by an ERC721 token.

brossetti1 commented 2 years ago

@mjohnson518 do you have a preference on the type of 998 to implement - i imagine top down for now.

mjohnson518 commented 2 years ago

Yep, top down seems like the appropriate interface for us to look at

MrDeadCe11 commented 2 years ago


an implemented 998

MrDeadCe11 commented 2 years ago


MrDeadCe11 commented 2 years ago

ok, things we have to keep track of for these child contracts... 1)token id. 2) parent contract address.

mostly if we're assigning an nft to a parent nft that comes from a different contract we have to store that contract address somewhere.

all the queries of the childnft's need the contract address and the tokenid

MrDeadCe11 commented 2 years ago

998 works. trying to fix the mintChildNft function to actually mint a token to another token. but the mintParentNFT function works and you can just mint everything as a parent right now and then transfer it to whatever NFT you want to own it.

MrDeadCe11 commented 2 years ago

also there's a rootOwnerOf function that returns a bytes32 string that is 66 digits long where the last 44 are an eth address of the rootOwner. however I can't seem to get that root address out of the string to actually use as an address which would be very convinient.