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Unknown option: base.extra using babel-loader 6.0 #131

Closed JeanLebrument closed 9 years ago

JeanLebrument commented 9 years ago


I have an error message when using npm run hot:
Unknown option: base.extra

This is due to the hot option that include the following code:

  config.module.loaders[0].query.extra = {
    'react-transform': {
      transforms: [{
        transform: 'react-transform-hmr',
        imports: ['react-native'],
        locals: ['module']

Any suggestion?


elliottsj commented 9 years ago

babel-plugin-react-transform does not yet support Babel 6. See https://github.com/gaearon/babel-plugin-react-transform/issues/46

catamphetamine commented 8 years ago

@elliottsj Now it does