For a while now, I've had a functions defined for moving windows between monitors (either left or right) but it stopped working in 10.12 Sierra.
For example, to move to the screen to the left:
local win = window.focusedwindow()
if win then
local leftWin = win:screen():towest()
if leftWin then
local left_screen_frame = leftWin:frame()
local this_screen_frame = win:frame()
local offset = this_screen_frame.x - win:screen():frame().x
this_screen_frame.x = left_screen_frame.x + offset
This worked fine for a while, but as of 10.12 Sierra this no longer works. Not sure if this is a limitation in macOS or a bug that's fixable.
For a while now, I've had a functions defined for moving windows between monitors (either left or right) but it stopped working in 10.12 Sierra.
For example, to move to the screen to the left:
This worked fine for a while, but as of 10.12 Sierra this no longer works. Not sure if this is a limitation in macOS or a bug that's fixable.