mjordan / islandora_workbench

A command-line tool for managing content in an Islandora 2 repository
MIT License
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Add a page to the docs about "Enhancing the Workbench Experience" #789

Open mjordan opened 1 month ago

mjordan commented 1 month ago

Sorry about the cheezy title, we can do better than that. Suggestions welcome.

Intent of this documentation is to recommend some things that will lead to greater success using Workbench, or will help recover if something goes wrong. Some points to include are:

Anyone else have items they want to suggest?

khart20 commented 1 month ago

A user interface to workbench versus cli tools would be the ideal. But more realistically to help with the day to day... If there was a way to not have to edit the config file with input_csv output_csv names. Usually we're using the same .yml files and those fields are the two fields you have to edit. It would remove a step if part of the cli input to run the yml was setting those values.

mjordan commented 1 month ago

@khart20 nice feature. So something like python workbench --config foo.yml --input_csv myinput.csv --output_csv myoutput.csv?

rosiel commented 1 month ago

I enhance my workbench experience with

alias wb='workbench --config=config.yml'
alias wbc='workbench --config=config.yml --check'

Then I just organize my tasks into folders, and name the config files config.yml as a rule. That way I can just run wbc and wb instead of the long command.

DonRichards commented 1 month ago

Here is a suggestion (can you tell I ran it through a gpt for proofreading?)

  1. Implement automatic retries when the source server returns a 500 error.
  2. Introduce a progress tracking feature that allows users to resume migrations from the point of interruption.
  3. Combine the create and update functions to streamline the process.
  4. Automatically add missing fields or provide a migration option to update the "Islandora_object" content type.

Detailed Descriptions:

DonRichards commented 1 month ago

Enhance the current export functionality by allowing users to export all nodes without requiring a CSV of node IDs, and write directly to a Google spreadsheet.

This should include:

Each sheet should maintain references to related sheets/tabs, ensuring comprehensive data relationships. Users would provide the site URL and spreadsheet URL for export. This feature would streamline the export process and improve data management.