mjordan / riprap

A PREMIS-compliant fixity checking microservice.
MIT License
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Multiple sites share an instance of riprap #78

Open kylehuynh205 opened 3 years ago

kylehuynh205 commented 3 years ago


I setup riprap with: multiple sites sharing one instance of riprap and one riprap database.

However, the riprap report in each of those sites (at admin/reports/islandora_riprap) show failed events of all the sites because of the shared database, I'm wondering if there is a way to categorize riprap events for each site when sharing the database ?

Thank you.

mjordan commented 3 years ago

No, there isn't currently a way to do this. I will need to look more closely at all the impacted parts of Riprap, but I think adding a repository column to the db, having each repository use a unique ID in that column, and then making reports only show the entries for the specified repository/repositories would be a solution. But several parts of Riprap would need to be changed, for example the persister plugin, Islandora Riprap Integration, and maybe some others. Let me take a closer look.

And introduction of this will need be invisible to sites running Riprap already.