mjq11302010044 / TATT

A Text Attention Network for Spatial Deformation Robust Scene Text Image Super-resolution (CVPR2022)
MIT License
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A request for help about train process,log file,code arguments. #21

Open Video54367 opened 10 months ago

Video54367 commented 10 months ago

Thanks for your work. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the paper and I feel confused about the train process,I notice that you set two training orders,and the second order seems to fine tune the first-training result.Is that the necessary procedure for the whole training? Could you give me some specifics about this issue? In addition, after training, I only found the weight file with '.th' as suffix under the folder ckpt/TATT or ckpt/TATT_ft, it seems that there is no log file.Where I can find it? About the parser.add_argument() function in your code file. I noticed that the help parameter is left blank for several arguments in the parser.Could you please provide a brief description for these arguments? This would be greatly helpful for users who are new to your program, as it would give them a better understanding of the purpose of each argument and how to use them correctly. I understand that you may be busy, but if you could spare a moment to update the help messages, it would be much appreciated. I'm just a beginner,forgive my ignorance.Again,thank you so much!