mjroney / Employee

to manage employee vacations and general data
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Requirements gathering #1

Open yelluw opened 5 years ago

yelluw commented 5 years ago


The first step (that we've already discussed) is to gather the requirements for the app. Forget about code for now. Let's explain in plain words what is the problem being solved.


I want to know when an employee is able to take vacation time while avoiding scheduling conflicts.

Your turn ....

mjroney commented 5 years ago

For my location, we schedule all vacations prior to the start of the year, the scheduling is conducted under the following guidelines:

mjroney commented 5 years ago

Future plans

With vacations scheduled, and the ability to move them around by request, I would like to start developing the 'Report' functions.

1- email an employee all of their scheduled/taken vacation days for the year upon request. 2- text (SMS) reminders for vacations in the upcoming weeks.

Next: Using employee info and vacation info, begin to manage the tracking of overtime and training.

Reports will need to be generated for these functions, with the overtime needing to be auto-emailed on a weekly basis.

yelluw commented 5 years ago

Alright, this is great. I'll go ahead and look into the code and see how it matches what you described here.

mjroney commented 5 years ago

Cool... I wonder if a namedTuple would be better for the instance constructor. Might simplify the SQL portions. Also, is it better to store dates as Ordinal numbers? They are easier to manipulate than datetime objects, and a decorator could handle the conversion for formatting for the user.