mjschultz / py-radix

Python radix tree implementation for IPv4 and IPv6 prefix matching.
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seemingly broken behavior with search_covered() #23

Closed crustymonkey closed 8 years ago

crustymonkey commented 8 years ago

Below is a quick test/results that look like broken search_covered behavior. This is after building py-radix using the following:

cd py-radix-0.9.3
python setup.py build

search_covered in [6] should return an empty list. Note that search_covering will return the correct nodes.

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In [1]: from radix import Radix

In [2]: r = Radix()

In [3]: r.add('')
Out[3]: <_radix.RadixNode at 0x7f623fd630c0>

In [4]: r.add('')
Out[4]: <_radix.RadixNode at 0x7f623fd63c90>

In [5]: r.search_covered('')
Out[5]: [<_radix.RadixNode at 0x7f623fd630c0>]

In [6]: r.search_covered('')[0].prefix
Out[6]: ''
crustymonkey commented 8 years ago

It looks like this is specifically an issue with the C implementation. If I use the pure Python version, it works as expected (as far as I've tested to this point).

Edsall commented 8 years ago

I have just seen the same problem. It seems to be related to the 0/0 entry.

I have - r.add("") r.add("") r.search_covered returns both.

If I do - r.add("") Then r.search_covered returns an empty set.

I am not sure if I am using C or pure Python version.

sorc1 commented 8 years ago

It's a bug in the C implementation. I'll fix it soon.

sorc1 commented 8 years ago

I've created pull request 24. Please check if it works as expected.

crustymonkey commented 8 years ago

I updated the pull request with this comment already. I can no longer repro the issue after patching so it looks like this change fixes the problem.

mjschultz commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the report; there should now be a py-radix==0.9.4 with the fix available in PyPI.