mjskay / ARTool

R Package for Aligned Rank Transform for Nonparametric Factorial ANOVAs
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No values in "F values of ANOVAs on aligned responses not of interest (should all be ~0):" #41

Closed Sarang-Jokhio closed 5 months ago

Sarang-Jokhio commented 6 months ago

Hello. I applied art to data having observations from 30 subjects. The dependent variable is ranged between 0 - 100 and independent variable has 3 levels.

art_m_block2<- art(Percentage.Executed.Lane.Changes ~ Adjacant.Gap + (1|Subject.Number), data = data)

After fitting the art, I printed a summary

Print Summary


Is the output correct? When I applied art on Higgins1990Table5, I got 0s in F values of ANOVAs on aligned responses, not of interest (should all be ~0). However, in my model, there are no values. What Am I missing?

Thank you so much for your time.

Here is the output of summary(art_m_block2)

Aligned Rank Transform of Factorial Model

Call: art(formula = Percentage.Executed.Lane.Changes ~ Adjacant.Gap + (1 | Subject.Number), data = data)

Column sums of aligned responses (should all be ~0): Adjacant.Gap 0

F values of ANOVAs on aligned responses not of interest (should all be ~0): Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.

mjskay commented 5 months ago

Ah, that's because you have only one fixed effect on the righthand side, so there isn't anything to list there. Should be fine.