mjsull / Easyfig

Development version of Easyfig
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other input /alignment formats? #14

Closed dcopetti closed 6 months ago

dcopetti commented 5 years ago


I find Easyfig very convenient to represent a comparison between 2 or more sequences in a linear space. I wonder if it is (or will?) be possible to upload features in other formats: e.g. annotation in gff3/bed format, nucmer/any table alignment, and so on. If not, do you know of any other tool to visualize alignments and annotations between regions of a genome? possibly that will work also well above 5 Mb - I work with eukayotic genomes. Also, is there a maximum genome size that the tool can work with? thanks,


mjsull commented 6 months ago

There is no maixmum, but it will be very slow on Euks.

Unfortunately I don't really have the time to incorporate other formats/aligners.