mjsull / Easyfig

Development version of Easyfig
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Incorrect drawing and inability to draw figure #28

Open clarakj opened 4 years ago

clarakj commented 4 years ago

I have been trying to use easyfig to compare multiple sequences of different strains. I have been having multiple issues so far and was hoping for some help. The first attempt was with easyfig version 2.3 and downloaded the blast file win.64.exe. I was able to draw a figure, however, it was showing inconsistencies between two computers running the same sequences. Comparison between two sequences showed the presence of a gene in both that was not in fact present in one of the sequences.

I was advised to download version 2.2 because of errors others have had using version 2.3. Downloading the same blast file the error that now occurs is either a message saying that no file available (indicating no blast file out being produced) or when it works and the drawing of the figure is produced there is no identity shown only the sequences with the arrows of the two sequences. Someone please help I've spent a day working on this an need to get to the other part of my project.

clarakj commented 4 years ago

From what I have seen the major issue is that when running blastn I don't get an OUT file that saves to my computer.