mjsull / Easyfig

Development version of Easyfig
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About blastn comparison file #64

Closed KentarouT closed 2 months ago

KentarouT commented 2 months ago

Can someone please let me know?

I am using windows 11 64bit. downloaded Easyfig 2.2.5. downloaded Example1 and automatic download of Blast+ is also successful. in Annotation files I have LT2_Gfsy1.gbk and Newport_Gifsy1. gbk and entered the included Newport_Gifsy1_v_LT2_Gifsy1.blastn.out and the Figure was created without problems. On the other hand, when I create Generate blastn File for LT2_Gfsy1.gbk and Newport_Fifsy1.gbk, 1. easyfig.fn and 2. easyfig.fn are created. I have seen this topic multiple times and am not sure how to handle it. easyfig 3.0.0 was also tried with similar results. easyfig 2.2.5 does not create a blastn comparison file, so I tried another way to create a comparison file. Ubuntu22 Easyfig.fn and 2.easyfig.fn in Ubuntu22.04, and also created a blastn comparison file from the previous two files on the NCBI website, but the Newport_Fifsy1_v_LT2_Gfsy1.out in example1 did not work. It does not create the same file as the blastn.out file in example1. It does not work as the attached file has fewer lines than the Example file. Can someone please help me to solve this problem?

KentarouT commented 2 months ago

The problem was caused by a space in the computer's user name, so I created another account and deleted the space, which solved the problem. Thank you for your concern.