Open mjuenema opened 8 years ago
Relevant code can be found in gpsd-3.9/cgps.c
/* must build bit vector of which statellites are used from list */
for (i = 0; i < MAXCHANNELS; i++) {
usedflags[i] = false;
for (j = 0; j < gpsdata->satellites_used; j++)
if (gpsdata->used[j] == gpsdata->PRN[i])
usedflags[i] = true;
A satellite is used, when its PRN appears in the gpsdata->used[]
The logic seems to have changed between API 5 and 6. In API 5
seems to be a list of satellite prn used in the solution. In API 6,gps_data_t.gps_satellite_t.used
is a boolean.