mjuloya / assignment-3

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Feedback on assignment #3 #1

Open barryross opened 8 years ago

barryross commented 8 years ago

FEWD Week #3 Project: CSS Layouts


Relaxr was really impressed by your work last week and wants you to continue development on their landing page. Starting in class, you will work to build out a more complex layout for their company site. They decided on creating a blog, and their back-end engineers will be focused on developing the blog's functionality. They want your front-end skills to style their designs using HTML and CSS so Relaxr's engineers can begin integrating. Once again, the designers have handed you a basic design file with instructions and the JPEG below to help you bring the blog to life. Submit the finished version for homework.

Student: Mike Juloya

Project URL: https://github.com/mjuloya/assignment-3__

Technical Requirements Does Not Meet Expectations (0) Meets Expectations (1) Exceeds Expectations (2)
Use in-line-block or floats in your CSS to achieve a two-column layout x
Use the correct Open Sans Google Font typeface to style the text denoted in the design file and according to the JPEG provided x
Use proper filename conventions (lowercase, .html) x
Use a single external CSS stylesheet to style all pages x
Use <img> tags for the headers of the posts x
Add a hover effect to all the links using pseudo-classes x
Integrate drop caps using pseudo-classes x
TOTAL: 6/14
barryross commented 8 years ago

Hey Mike,

You are doing some great things here, though I also see it looks like you had some trouble completing the layout similarly to how we did in class. Great job linking to the external stylesheet, though I did leave a mark off on that one b/c the we were looking to have you link this blog page to the landing page from last week's assignment.

It looks like you put a lot of work into styling this as well, but I notice some of the styles don't match the design file...do you have any particular questions about that?

I think you may find it helpful to review the sample solution...and please feel free to ask me any questions you may still have after doing that. I'm also happy to meet with you 1-on-1 if you feel like you could use some additional support to help solidify this stuff! I know this stuff can be challenging to learn and practice. BTW, if you would like to make any changes to this and re-submit, I'm more than happy to review and update the rubric. Not required, but an option if you would like!