mjuric / conda-lsst

Building Conda packages for the LSST stack
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rename binstar conda package to anaconda-client #34

Closed jhoblitt closed 8 years ago

jhoblitt commented 8 years ago

Per this error message:

!!  The 'binstar' conda package has been renamed to 'anaconda-client'.
!!  Please run:
!!    conda install anaconda-client
mjuric commented 8 years ago

Cool, thanks, will merge; that said, I'm about to drop the binstar upload support soon -- nobody's been using it, as LSST is too big to be hosted on the free tier of anaconda.org.

Check out https://github.com/mjuric/conda-lsst/tree/rework-upload-command if you want to see what the upload command will look in the future (very soon; I got distracted by the El Capitan DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH trainwreck... (Apple, why do you take my money, and generate more work for me?)).