mjwestgate / revtools

Tools to support research synthesis in R
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screen_titles Shiny GUI "data" menu not displaying #32

Closed charlottemills closed 4 years ago

charlottemills commented 4 years ago

Hi Martin,

Thanks for the package, it is definitely saving time in my article screening process.

I have been using the screen_titles function without a problem until this week, when the "data" tab of the Shiny UI would not "drop-down" for me to choose exit/save/clear. This issue does not seem to occur when I open the app in the browser, only in the intial app (what do you call that). As far as I am aware I did not update anything between when this was functioning and when it stopped working.

Once data is loaded in the app (there is a lag because I have 3500 records) the "data" tab is not functional (does not collapse or expand), although the options within it are, so I can still save/clear/exit. However, if I use the appearance tab and the data tab collapses I am unable to expand it again and can no longer access these options, thus losing all screening in that session.

Relevant session info: R version 4.0.1; shiny; revtools 0.4.1; synthesisr 0.3.0; dplyr 1.0.0

This is my workflow after loading packages:

#import screened titles list from file
screened.refs<- read_refs("screened_titles.bib", return_df = TRUE)

#import reference database (4449 titles)
titles_ecoserv <- read_refs(filename = "full_deduplicated_database_ID.bib", return_df = TRUE)

#remove all screened titles from database
titles_ecoserv2<- anti_join(titles_ecoserv, screened.refs, by = "unique_id") 

#screen titles
titles_ecoserv3 <- screen_titles(titles_ecoserv2)

#save progress (screened titles) to file
x<- titles_ecoserv3 %>%
  filter(screened_titles != "") %>% #pull out all entries already screened
  bind_rows(screened.refs) %>% #add new set of screened titles to existing list of screened titles
  write_refs(file = "screened_titles.bib", format = "bib", tag_naming = "synthesisr") #write to file for next session

Please let me know if you need more info or if this is simply an error on my part. Thanks

charlottemills commented 4 years ago

As quickly as this started it has now stopped so I have closed it.