mjwoodcock / riscosarc

De-archiver for various RISC OS archive formats
MIT License
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Feature request: allow multiple archives as separate arguments #8

Open tremby opened 4 years ago

tremby commented 4 years ago

When extracting or listing contents, I think it would be valuable to be able to give multiple archive names as part of the same command.

I wonder if this could improve speed too when unarchiving a lot of files -- this may be the case if a lot of the runtime is setup and shutdown and the extraction itself is fast.

At the moment if I try to list several archives it lists the first then stops. If I try to extract several archives it does nothing at all. No error message or warning or error exit code in either case.

mjwoodcock commented 4 years ago

If you put several arguments, then it uses the list as filenames to extract from the archive (just as unzip does, I seem to remember). So I shall need to think about that one.

Your speed suggestion seems reasonable.

tremby commented 4 years ago

Ah, I see. That makes sense too. The only ones I've been working with so far have been CFS, which as far as I can tell is only ever a single file at a time, so I've been very much in gunzip mode.

mjwoodcock commented 4 years ago

Yes, CFS is only ever one file. I was thinking about ways to implement this that would make sense with other archive types, but I think it will all get too confusing. So I'm going to close this one, if that's OK.

tremby commented 4 years ago

Of course, up to you!