mk-5 / gdx-fireapp

libGDX Firebase API
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Cannot create bindings #1

Closed TomGrill closed 6 years ago

TomGrill commented 6 years ago

Hi I did as you suggest in the wiki: step4

When i try to create the bindings I get this error:

fatal error: 'FirebaseAnalytics/FirebaseAnalytics.h' file not found

More detailed:

2017-10-04 12:51:55:787 +0200 [main] DEBUG - NatJGen started
2017-10-04 12:51:56:466 +0200 [main] DEBUG - Clang options: [-arch, arm64, -x, objective-c, -fmessage-length=133, -std=c99, -fobjc-arc, -fpascal-strings, -DNS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS=1, -DOBJC_OLD_DISPATCH_PROTOTYPES=0, -isysroot, /Applications/, -miphoneos-version-min=9.0, -I/var/folders/m0/mc2v3k1d16b5ftc1n59dmgz40000gn/T/NatJGen354660108793050899, -F/Users/tom/fireapp/ios-moe/xcode/Pods/FirebaseCore/Frameworks, -F/Users/tom/fireapp/ios-moe/xcode/Pods/FirebaseAnalytics/Frameworks/frameworks, -F/Users/tom/fireapp/ios-moe/xcode/Pods/FirebaseAuth/Frameworks/frameworks, -F/Users/tom/fireapp/ios-moe/xcode/Pods/FirebaseDatabase/Frameworks, -F/Users/tom/fireapp/ios-moe/xcode/Pods/FirebaseStorage/Frameworks/frameworks, -F/Users/tom/fireapp/ios-moe/xcode/Pods/FirebaseMessaging/Frameworks/frameworks, -F/Users/tom/fireapp/ios-moe/xcode/Pods/FirebaseCrash/Frameworks]
/var/folders/m0/mc2v3k1d16b5ftc1n59dmgz40000gn/T/tempfile7002671322241956770.m:3:9: fatal error: 'FirebaseAnalytics/FirebaseAnalytics.h' file not found
2017-10-04 12:51:57:347 +0200 [main] DEBUG - Indexing translation unit
2017-10-04 12:52:01:357 +0200 [main] DEBUG - Clang options: [-arch, armv7, -x, objective-c, -fmessage-length=133, -std=c99, -fobjc-arc, -fpascal-strings, -DNS_BLOCK_ASSERTIONS=1, -DOBJC_OLD_DISPATCH_PROTOTYPES=0, -isysroot, /Applications/, -miphoneos-version-min=9.0, -I/var/folders/m0/mc2v3k1d16b5ftc1n59dmgz40000gn/T/NatJGen354660108793050899, -F/Users/tom/fireapp/ios-moe/xcode/Pods/FirebaseCore/Frameworks, -F/Users/tom/fireapp/ios-moe/xcode/Pods/FirebaseAnalytics/Frameworks/frameworks, -F/Users/tom/fireapp/ios-moe/xcode/Pods/FirebaseAuth/Frameworks/frameworks, -F/Users/tom/fireapp/ios-moe/xcode/Pods/FirebaseDatabase/Frameworks, -F/Users/tom/fireapp/ios-moe/xcode/Pods/FirebaseStorage/Frameworks/frameworks, -F/Users/tom/fireapp/ios-moe/xcode/Pods/FirebaseMessaging/Frameworks/frameworks, -F/Users/tom/fireapp/ios-moe/xcode/Pods/FirebaseCrash/Frameworks]
/var/folders/m0/mc2v3k1d16b5ftc1n59dmgz40000gn/T/tempfile7002671322241956770.m:3:9: fatal error: 'FirebaseAnalytics/FirebaseAnalytics.h' file not found

This is the app I am working with to test: Simple gds app.

mk-5 commented 6 years ago

Hi! Thanks for reporting! and nice to meet you! I use some of your libs in my projects.

It is a problem with framework path inside firebase.nbc file. Your Pods is installed inside FirebaseAnalytics/Frameworks/FirebaseAnalytics.framework -

and path inside firebase.nbc is: FirebaseAnalytics/Frameworks/frameworks/FirebaseAnalytics.framework. Is same issue for FirebaseStorage, FirebaseAuth, FirebaseMessaging

Please try to correct this paths - and then bindings will be generated. I send pull-request to gdx-fireapp-test repo with it.

I don't know exactly why it was happen, and why this paths are different sometimes. I will write a note about it at Wiki page until i figure out whats going on and i will do some extra tests. If correct paths are without frameworks directory inside - i will correct firebase.nbc paths in repo.

Which version of Pods do you have? (just call pod --version in terminal)

TomGrill commented 6 years ago

pod --version: 1.3.1

Currently trying the PR

TomGrill commented 6 years ago

Ok, this are my resulsts.

Manually adjusting the correct paths did work. Not sure why the wrong paths appeared.

After I pulled your PR it still did not work. I adjusted the paths manually in the nbc windows and then everything went through. Kinda strange.

Maybe some invisible specialchars cause the problem because the manually working file is exactly the same you served with the PR:

TomGrill commented 6 years ago

Ok seems to work so far. I like the using the pod command, I will try to implement that in my extensions as well.

mk-5 commented 6 years ago

Mhmm yes, this is strange.

I installed pods via pod version 1.1.1. I will do some tests with it, but at this point notes at wiki page must be enough.

mk-5 commented 6 years ago

The pods frameworks paths was corrected in the 1.2.0 release, so i close this issue.