mk-5 / gdx-fireapp

libGDX Firebase API
Apache License 2.0
65 stars 21 forks source link

Progress #5

Closed burf2000 closed 1 year ago

burf2000 commented 6 years ago

Hi there, this looks great, are you still working on it? I have made a simple online game where I just want to pole position and update where stuff is, have a scoreboard etc.

Do you think I could use this? I used Parse in the past and written my own backend?

mk-5 commented 6 years ago


Yes, i will work on it for sure. The next feature will be google/facebook authorization, but if is something that you need NOW - please create issue with feature description - I will take care of it for sure. If you found some bug or problem, please create issue also.

The API do not had full Firebase API coverage - but I plan to add them one by one. I use this API in some comercial apps now - so sure, you can use it.

kasandrop commented 6 years ago

Is it possible to arrange some kind of consultancy .I would like you to explain me some of your code from gdx-fireapp. I am not really an expert but really would like to understand some difficult parts. I am happy to reward you that time spent with me. I am Polish as well so consultancy in Polish . Please let me know if it is possible to arrange.

mk-5 commented 6 years ago

Sure! Feel free to ask me at (you can write emails in polish ;) )

PandlaS commented 5 years ago

hi @mk-5 , Is it possible to support FireStore (database). Right now, it seems only RealTimeDatabase is supported, if you can just add the support for Firestore as well that will help a lot.


mk-5 commented 5 years ago

@PandlaS yes sure, it will be the next feature then :)

Currently, I'm working on RemoteConfig API, so FireStore will be the next