mk-fg / waterfox

Various extensions and hacks that I use with Mozilla Firefox browser forks like Waterfox
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Question about "flush-site-data" #1

Closed DeadSix27 closed 1 year ago

DeadSix27 commented 1 year ago

Is there a way to only flush the site data for the ACTIVE tab? Currently I'm doing it manually by opening the dev console and going to the indexed/cookies etc tabs and delete it there..

mk-fg commented 1 year ago


Not in the current version, but the actual things that it does is:

  browser.browsingData.remove( {},
      {cache: true, cookies: true, indexedDB: true, localStorage: true, serviceWorkers: true} )
    .then(res => browser.tabs.query({}))
    .then(tabs => tabs.forEach(
      tab => browser.tabs.executeScript(, {code: 'sessionStorage.clear()'}) ))

Where tabs.query({}) can use {active: true} instead of empty queryObj, and also to get a URL from that tab. And then that hostname from that URL can be passed to browsingData.remove(...) in hostnames key of RemovalOptions instead of empty object too.

Would be a good idea to add this on the right click on the button and a separate hotkey, which I also wanted to use occasionally but didn't think of adding, thanks for mentioning it. Will probably test and add soon-ish.

mk-fg commented 1 year ago

Although one potential issue I can forsee is that it's not just one hostname with cookies (and other data) that gets loaded in the tab, but potentially dozens or even hundreds (on a really ad-ridden places if you don't use uBlock/uMatrix) of third-party content from all over the place, so might actually be impossible to query in this kind of simple extension, and require some dedicated cookie-tracking one (many of which I think already exist).

DeadSix27 commented 1 year ago

that is true, but this could be mentioned in the button as limitation, deleting all the main Domains data is still useful tho

mk-fg commented 1 year ago

Looking into this, found that State Partitioning in Firefox is rather complex these days, and there are some other issues.

So I think implementation will either have to be complex and actually track/store all requests, or will have to be quite leaky and unreliable due to some of the issues above, unfortunately.

But State Partitioning should actually key everything internally - including all cookies, JS data, caches, network connections, etc - by the URL opened in the tab, so I think MAYBE "Ctrl-I -> Security -> Clear Cookies and Site Data" does the right thing and nukes all data related to this tab. Devtools should also track all these third-party domains I think, and seem to be indeed a more reliable way to do it, without big "MAYBE". Another way to get "tab clean of any data" seem to be opening Private Window/Tab, if that's what this cleanup is needed for.

I don't use browser with many tabs/services (so flusing it fully isn't a big issue), don't need this often, so will probably stick with Ctrl-I or DevTools options myself (if I'll remember about them), as they seem to be way more reliable than a simple addon implementation, and complex implementation with tracking all requests, for just such rare occasions, doesn't seem to make sense to have/maintain with my use-case.

If you need such button much more often, and workarounds above (like the devtools cleanup you already using) aren't good enough, I'd suggest checking if maybe some extension doing what I've described above as "complex" way to do it exists (tracking all requests for potential cleanup after them), or if not, it'd probably best be implemented as an entirely separate button/thing, as it'd be quite different and more complex code than a simple oneshot script here.

So alas, no easy and simple solution to quickly implement on top of this button, it appears.

Still, thanks again for bringing up the issue, made me look into how this data is tracked and partitioned, and the pitfalls of selective cleanup to watch-out for.

DeadSix27 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the in-depth look at it! I'll see what I can find otherwise yeah, sticking to dev tools.