mkaczanowski / pastebin

Simple, fast, standalone pastebin service
MIT License
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Add Scripts and CSS to the container to ensure strong CSP support #40

Open GAS85 opened 2 years ago

GAS85 commented 2 years ago


Love your project! But can't run it on a Prod Env. where strong CSP enabled. Basically all external scripts and css are blocked: изображение Apache2 config for reference:

    Header always set Content-Security-Policy "default-src https:; \
    script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' ; \
    connect-src 'self'; \
    img-src 'self' data: \
    style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' ; \
    base-uri 'self'; \
    form-action 'self'; \
    font-src 'self' data:"

It will be wonderful if you can include those CSSs and JSs and Fonts into container.