In reverse to what is previously mentioned. Im wanting to find a way to auto delete vehicles if they are not on an allowlist which are spawned or attempted to be entred from outside of the set poly zone. I have been trying to work this out for a few days and keep failing each time. Currently the vehicles are blacklisted but i'd like them to be used within the polyzone registered only so there is no fears on unblacklisting them. Thankyou for any help!
In reverse to what is previously mentioned. Im wanting to find a way to auto delete vehicles if they are not on an allowlist which are spawned or attempted to be entred from outside of the set poly zone. I have been trying to work this out for a few days and keep failing each time. Currently the vehicles are blacklisted but i'd like them to be used within the polyzone registered only so there is no fears on unblacklisting them. Thankyou for any help!