mkarhumaa / gifmaker

Software for converting video segments to animated GIF.
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Implement SRT parser #9

Closed mkarhumaa closed 10 years ago

mkarhumaa commented 10 years ago

Implement SRT parser for parsing timeframes from SRT files.

Takes SRT file and segment numbers as input.

output: timeframes? or calls converter with correct parameters

olihub commented 10 years ago

Broken characters in SRT example file: 001.txt

"Hyvää iltaa Yle Uutisista.

Amerikkalaisyritys investoi lähes puoli miljardia Suomeen, -

ja Nokian arvo on kasvanut miljardeilla euroilla. "

Might have some ANSI/UTF-8/Unicode issues with äöå. Needs more investigating where to fix or does it need a fix.

HenriH89 commented 10 years ago

It's a coding issue. I'll find a solution

HenriH89 commented 10 years ago

Character encoding issue fixed.