mkausas / Instagram-Ground-Up

Week 5 Project for CS 490.
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CodePath Review #1

Open mkausas opened 8 years ago

mkausas commented 8 years ago

My Monday assignment is complete. Take a look and leave some feedback!

Ty, Marty

/cc @codepathreview

tuhoag commented 8 years ago

It looks like you still need to complete some required user stories for your submission to be complete. You need to implement the "The current signed in user is persisted across app restarts" feature.

Your assignment needs to be updated within 24hrs in order for you to receive credit for this assignment.

mkausas commented 8 years ago

@hatu87 Persistance accross app restarts is implemented. You can find the code in attemptLogin() in class LoginViewController.

tuhoag commented 8 years ago

:+1: Congratulations on finishing the final assignment! It's impressive to realize how far you've come in the first half of the class, going from building a simple tip calculator to a full Instagram app with your own backend.

We hope you enjoyed the final assignment. Parse is a great service that makes building a backend app much easier. We have a detailed Project 6 Feedback Guide which covers the best practices for implementing this assignment. Read through the feedback guide point-by-point to determine ways you might be able to improve your submission.

If you have any particular questions about the assignment or the feedback, feel free to reply here or email us at

From here on out there are no more assignments as the focus shifts to the final group project. You'll be working over the next several weeks to build your app idea with your team and then finishing the class with a demo day!