mkazhdan / PoissonRecon

Poisson Surface Reconstruction
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question about ImageStitching #278

Closed joyirwin closed 8 months ago

joyirwin commented 8 months ago

Hi, I have tried ImageStitching in AdaptiveMultigridSolvers and its result is amazing for creating seemless pictures.

However, I would like to know if there is a way to fix some certain areas in the input picture and let others areas to change.

Thank you!

mkazhdan commented 8 months ago

Can you give an example?

joyirwin commented 8 months ago

Sorry for late reply.

When using Jaffa panorama as an example, we can see that the top-left corner (IndianRed area in the label image) was brightened after the stitching. The question is that is it possible to ensure this area stays unchanged (in pixel values) and let the other areas around it to finish the stitching.

Thank you again for your reply!




mkazhdan commented 8 months ago

Not trivially. The behavior here is expected since the region you highlighted is near the sun so it was likely exposed for a shorter period of time. Stitching has the effect of "re-imaging" the panorama so the individual images were taken with the same parameters. In this case this would mean keeping the exposure open for the images in the top left for longer, making those regions appear brighter.

One can try using a gradient domain formulation where the interpolation weights vary for different parts of the image, but that requires a non-stationary stencil and is beyond what this stitching supports.

You could also modify the code to save the solution as a 16-bit image. Then you could try using a HDR -> LDR compression.

joyirwin commented 8 months ago

Thanks for your advice and I will try it out.