mkazhdan / TextureSignalProcessing

Gradient-Domain Processing within a Texture Atlas
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constraining charts to stay fixed #13

Open maorp opened 3 years ago

maorp commented 3 years ago

Hi, is there a way to hold some pixels from not changing in the the texture Stitching formulation? I have read the algo paper and I want to try to modify the code to add this feature. I remember that seamless cloning in 2d (perez 2003) allows such manipulation and the problems are somewhat similar. my problem is with inpainting unobserved texels while holding observed texels unchanged (they already gone thru color equalization and pyramid blending in my case thru other 3rd party sw). currently in the code these texels are assigned the avg observed color and when solving this can cause the neighborhood observed texels to change abruptly.

mkazhdan commented 3 years ago

Not directly. However, you should be able to change the screening weight so that the interpolation weight is high in certain regions.