mkazhdan / TextureSignalProcessing

Gradient-Domain Processing within a Texture Atlas
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A problem with the Executables. #3

Closed ChisonShang closed 6 years ago

ChisonShang commented 6 years ago

Dear Michael Misha Kazhdan, I couldn't open your Gradient Doain Texture Processing Executables(both v1 and v2). If I click the exe, a window will flash and there won't be any interactive viewer. So could you tell me how to solve this problem? Thanks for any insight or help.

mkazhdan commented 6 years ago

You need to run the executable(s) from the command line and provide the input file (and possibly texture) using the "--in" parameter. (If you run from the command line with no arguments, you'll see the full list of parameters. Alternatively, you can find a detailed description on the project home page.)

ChisonShang commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your help. I have already read the source code and found the solution.