mkearney / tweetbotornot2

🔍🐦🤖 Detect Twitter Bots!
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Missing Values #13

Open Reyza96 opened 3 years ago

Reyza96 commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to get the prob_bot for a long list of user ids, 900 to be precise. But when I ran my code some of the values are returned without a username or prob_bot. Has anyone faced a similar issue or knows why this might be happening?

My code is

`users<-(read.table(sprintf("FollowersUser%s.txt",v), header = TRUE, colClasses = 'character'))

user_ids <- users$user_id

p <- predict_bot(user_ids)

write_xlsx(p, sprintf("User%s.xlsx",v))`

FollowersUser is a txt file which has one column titled "user_id", that has the user ids of 900 of "User's" followers. These were scraped as strings using Tweepy.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 years ago

Thank you for creating an issue on {tweetbotornot}! I appreciate the feedback!

ossisirkka commented 3 years ago

I had the same issue. I was trying to obtain probabilities for about 4k unique users, and with every variation (predict_bot() and predict_bot_score() with user_ids and screen_names) there was a majority of missing values in the result. I can't really figure out what is the problem here, so any help is appreciated.

richtakacs commented 2 years ago

batch by 100