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Renaming step of Windows build instructions #232

Open omgitsraven opened 3 years ago

omgitsraven commented 3 years ago

I'm running the experimental Windows build steps, but several things have updated since they were written; I've managed to adapt most of the steps for the new filenames, but there's one step that I'm not sure how to handle.

After compiling boost, I have to "Rename the generated library to something that cmake will find", with this command: mv libboost_python-mgw63-mt-1_63.a libboost_python3-mt.a

but there are four .a files in my stage/lib directory:


and I don't know which one of these corresponds to libboost_python-mgw63-mt-1_63.a.

mkeeter commented 3 years ago

I'm curious whether we still need this workaround, or whether the mingw-w64-x86_64-boost recipe works out of the box at this point – it would be nice to remove the workaround if possible.

If that's not possible, it's probably libboost_python38-mgw10-mt-x64-1_75.a (64-bit, and I'm guessing the -d- marks a debug build)

omgitsraven commented 3 years ago

I noticed it wasn't in your instructions over on libfive (I'll try them this evening!), did it work there?

mkeeter commented 3 years ago

libfive doesn't need Boost::Python, so I don't know 😆

omgitsraven commented 3 years ago

oh my god, well in that case you can go ahead and close this issue if you'd like, heh... I may as well leave it open in case anyone else has the same problem in the future, but, my experimenting with it is hereby complete <_<