mkeeter / kokopelli

Script-based CAD/CAM in Python (deprecated)
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kokopelli crash on displaying box example #18

Open onekk opened 9 years ago

onekk commented 9 years ago

kokopelli crash on displaying the box.ko example, the program didn't stop but the rendering is stopped, on the terminal there are many of these errors (all the same and filling the line buffer so i can't report you anything but this error).

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/carlo-m/CNC/kokopelli/koko/", line 150, in evt_paint self.draw(shader) File "/home/carlo-m/CNC/kokopelli/koko/", line 566, in draw self.draw_mesh(shader) File "/home/carlo-m/CNC/kokopelli/koko/", line 591, in draw_mesh glPushMatrix() File "errorchecker.pyx", line 53, in OpenGL_accelerate.errorchecker._ErrorChecker.glCheckError (src/errorchecker.c:1218) OpenGL.error.GLError: GLError( err = 1283, description = 'stack overflow', baseOperation = glPushMatrix, cArguments = () )

Do you need some other infos, I'm using debian jessie.

Many thanks for your work

Carlo D.

mkeeter commented 9 years ago

This is usually seen when an exception occurs between the pushMatrix and popMatrix calls, so that's the error that really matters. Can you pipe output into a file to avoid losing the first error to terminal scrollback (i.e. ./kokopelli &> out.txt)?

onekk commented 9 years ago

I have run the code to capture the output, but nothing happens, the last time, when i got the error I've played with the code to show the whole image, as i now view a yellow surface filling the view "window", maybe I've done something wrong, how to view the box like in the page of kokopelli (with all the pieces in color), maybe this is the origin of the error, so the bug report is related "how to resize the view in kokopelli" to view all the pieces of the box in "cut sheet" mode?