mkellerman / PSTwitterAPI

PSTwitterAPI - a PowerShell module for the Twitter API
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SendTweetAsync ID is zero #40

Closed apobekiaris closed 4 years ago

apobekiaris commented 4 years ago

Hello again,

I wrote a powershell wrapper (to explain the next format) that executes fine however the tweet ID remain zero and I am want it for further actions like retweet etc.. Am I missing something?

        protected override Task EndProcessingAsync(){
            return TwitterContext.TweetAsync(Status,_medias.Select(media => media.MediaID)).ToObservable()
Type                      : User
ID                        : 0
UserID                    : 0
ScreenName                :
SinceID                   : 0
MaxID                     : 0
Count                     : 0
Cursor                    : 0
IncludeRetweets           : False
ExcludeReplies            : False
IncludeEntities           : False
IncludeUserEntities       : False
IncludeMyRetweet          : False
IncludeAltText            : False
OEmbedUrl                 :
OEmbedMaxWidth            : 0
OEmbedHideMedia           : False
OEmbedHideThread          : False
OEmbedOmitScript          : False
OEmbedAlign               : None
OEmbedRelated             :
OEmbedLanguage            :
CreatedAt                 : 4/23/2020 11:32:57 AM
StatusID                  : 1253285727498010624
Text                      : The A��-������������������������� #XpandPwsh                            PowerShell CmdLet:

                            Filter out warnings for a PackageReference.

FullText                  :
ExtendedTweet             : LinqToTwitter.Status
Source                    : <a href="" rel="nofollow">MSBuild Teamcity</a>
Truncated                 : True
DisplayTextRange          :
TweetMode                 : Compat
InReplyToStatusID         : 0
InReplyToUserID           : 0
FavoriteCount             : 0
Favorited                 : False
InReplyToScreenName       :
User                      : LinqToTwitter.User
Users                     : {}
Contributors              : {}
Coordinates               : LinqToTwitter.Coordinate
Place                     : LinqToTwitter.Place
Annotation                : LinqToTwitter.Annotation
Entities                  : LinqToTwitter.Entities
ExtendedEntities          : LinqToTwitter.Entities
TrimUser                  : False
IncludeContributorDetails : False
RetweetCount              : 0
Retweeted                 : False
PossiblySensitive         : False
RetweetedStatus           : LinqToTwitter.Status
CurrentUserRetweet        : 0
IsQuotedStatus            : False
QuotedStatusID            : 0
QuotedStatus              : LinqToTwitter.Status
Scopes                    : {}
WithheldCopyright         : False
WithheldInCountries       : {}
WithheldScope             :
MetaData                  : LinqToTwitter.StatusMetaData
Lang                      : en
Map                       : False
TweetIDs                  :
FilterLevel               : None
EmbeddedStatus            :
CursorMovement            :
apobekiaris commented 4 years ago

hahahha apologies wrong project