mkhan45 / RustScript2

RustScript is a functional scripting language with as much relation to Rust as Javascript has to Java.
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recursive function resolution edge case #51

Open mkhan45 opened 2 years ago

mkhan45 commented 2 years ago

The inner state recursive function needs to be thought about a bit more for continuation passing style to work

mkhan45 commented 2 years ago

causes other bugs

mkhan45 commented 2 years ago

worth noting that elixir solves this by not letting closures be trivially recursive, the function has to accept a recursion function argument, e.g.

fib = fn(x, fib) -> if x < 2, do: n, else: fib.(n - 1, fib) + fib.(n - 2, fib) end
fib.(10, fib) |> IO.inspect # 55