mkharibalaji / react-native-adyen-payment

React Native Adyen Payment
MIT License
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Payment methods not showing #15

Open zvone00 opened 4 years ago

zvone00 commented 4 years ago


I copied exact code from documentation to my component.

import AdyenPayment from 'react-native-adyen-payment';

const DEMO_SERVER_API_KEY ="Your Demo Server Key";
const CARD_PUBLIC_KEY = "Your Public Card Key";
const MERCHANT_ACCOUNT = 'Your Merchant Account';

class App extends Component<Props> {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      isLoading : false,
      adyen_payment_status : 'initiated'
    The base URL should be your API server running with the following POST endpoints
     - /paymentMethods
     - /payments
     - /payments/details
     Ex :
     Base URL :
     Any Extra Header Parameters to be passed can be given in the "additional_http_headers"
     As an example we are using Adyens Demo Server Base URL
     var appServiceConfigData = {
      "environment" : "test",
      "base_url": "",
      "additional_http_headers" : {
        "x-demo-server-api-key": DEMO_SERVER_API_KEY
    AdyenPayment.onSuccess((payload) => {
      this.setState({adyen_payment_status: 'success'});

    AdyenPayment.onError((code, error) => {
      console.log("Adyen Error : ",error);
      this.setState({adyen_payment_status: 'failure'});

   onClickPayment = () =>
        var paymentDetails = {
          amount: {
              value: 200,//In Multiples of hundred
              currency: 'EUR'
          reference: "XXXXXXXX",
          shopperReference : "XXXXXX",
          shopperEmail : "",
          channel: (Platform.OS === 'ios') ? "iOS" : "Android",
          countryCode: "FR",
          shopperLocale: "fr_FR",
          returnUrl: (Platform.OS === 'ios') ? '<YourAppDisplayName>-app://' : "adyencheckout://<packageName>",
          merchantAccount: MERCHANT_ACCOUNT,
          additionalData : {
                  allow3DS2 : true,
                  executeThreeD : true
        // Data for various Components
        var componentData = {
          "scheme" : {
            "card_public_key" : CARD_PUBLIC_KEY
          "applepay" : {
            "apple_pay_merchant_id" : "Your Apple Merchant ID"
            "card_public_key" : CARD_PUBLIC_KEY
          // The Following Payment Methods are supported

   render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
          <Button label={"Pay"} onPress={() => {this.onClickPayment();}}/>

But the payment methods are not showing, only the pay button is visible. What should I do in order for payment methods to show-up (specifically credit card fields)? How are they mounted? Is there any way to debug AdyenPayment.initialize(appServiceConfigData);?


mkharibalaji commented 4 years ago

Hi @zvone00 , This method initializes AdyenPayment.initialize(appServiceConfigData) the AdyenPayment.If the Payment Methods are not showing,please check the iOS / Android logs on whether the API calls to Adyen are working and or any Payment Methods are configured within the Adyen Admin Console.

zvone00 commented 4 years ago

Hello, I tried this on Android, but Android Studio logcat does not show any API calls towards Adyen, which is quite strange. Seems like the initialize method is producing no effect for me. I am using React Native 0.61.5

Gp2mv3 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I have the same question. I see the return from the API call:

{"groups":[{"name":"Credit Card","types":["mc","visa"]}],"paymentMethods":[{"brands":["mc","visa"],"details":[{"key":"encryptedCardNumber","type":"cardToken"},{"key":"encryptedSecurityCode","type":"cardToken"},{"key":"encryptedExpiryMonth","type":"cardToken"},{"key":"encryptedExpiryYear","type":"cardToken"},{"key":"holderName","optional":true,"type":"text"}],"name":"Carte bancaire","type":"scheme"},{"details":[{"key":"paywithgoogle.token","type":"payWithGoogleToken"}],"name":"Google Pay","supportsRecurring":true,"type":"paywithgoogle"}]}

But the list of payment methods isn't displayed, only the "Card component". I start the payment with the Dropin methos as shown here:

      const response = await AdyenPayment.startPaymentPromise(AdyenPayment.DROPIN, componentData, paymentDetails);

How can I display the list of payment methods ?

mickadoua commented 3 years ago

hello, I have similar issue. With the last version of react-native-adyen-payment (1.6.1) i have only one credit card displayed for a specific client,

To be more clear, with :

await AdyenPayment.startPaymentPromise(

every work fine, i have all my credit card, and other payment mothod displayed

if i use

await AdyenPayment.startPaymentPromise(

i have just one credit card displayed

this is fix on the followed PR
