mkharibalaji / react-native-adyen-payment

React Native Adyen Payment
MIT License
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DROP-IN Errors #18

Open kkaplinski opened 4 years ago

kkaplinski commented 4 years ago

Hi ! First - thanks for the library. I try to use DROP-IN in my react native app. I have fallowing errors in these methods:

Credit Card - after submiting payment: SOLVED!!!!

{"status":422,"errorCode":"174","message":"Unable to decrypt data","errorType":"validation"} 

Multibanco, MBWay - after clicking on payment in payments list, application crashes. But it seems that results of the requests to the server are correct. I saw these errors (short version):


{"resultCode":"Pending","action":{"paymentData":"ADdf02 ...... }
E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
com.adyen.checkout.core.exception.CheckoutException: Action type not found - await


{"resultCode":"PresentToShopper","action":{"paymentMethodType":"multibanco" ... }
E/CO.ActionHandler: Unknown Action - voucher
E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
Caused by: org.json.JSONException: Value UNKNOWN of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject

Google Pay - after submitting payment :

Adyen Error :  {"status":422,"errorCode":"14_004","message":"Missing payment method details","errorType":"validation"}

I see that App is making POST request with "googlePayToken", and official API docs shows: "paywithgoogle.token"

I use Android-Studio and react-native 0.61.5 Also on my android emulator - Adyen Payment starts with credit card method on default and only going back allow me to see whole list of my methods ;/

Thanks for help !