mkhorasani / Streamlit-Authenticator

A secure authentication module to validate user credentials in a Streamlit application.
Apache License 2.0
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reset password error #122

Closed ebynapura closed 3 months ago

ebynapura commented 5 months ago

when i reset the password, fill the new pw, and press the 'reset' button, but an error warning like: 'Authenticate' object has no attribute 'max_concurrent_users' i don't understand why

mkhorasani commented 5 months ago

@ebynapura can you please elaborate by providing a snippet of your code and specify the version of Streamlit-Authenticator you are using?

ebynapura commented 5 months ago

@ebynapura can you please elaborate by providing a snippet of your code and specify the version of Streamlit-Authenticator you are using?

import streamlit as st
import streamlit_authenticator as stauth
# from streamlit_authenticator import Authenticate
import yaml
from yaml.loader import SafeLoader

   initial_sidebar_state="collapsed",  # expanded auto

# Import the YAML file into your script
with open('config.yaml') as file:
    config = yaml.load(file, Loader=SafeLoader)

hashed_passwords = stauth.Hasher(['000000', '000000']).generate()
# print(hashed_passwords)

# Create the authenticator object
authenticator = stauth.Authenticate(

if st.session_state["authentication_status"]:
    authenticator.logout(button_name='退出账户', location='sidebar')
        if authenticator.reset_password(st.session_state["username"], location='sidebar',
                                        fields={'Form name':'重设密码', 'Current password':'当前密码', 
                                                'New password':'新密码', 'Repeat password': '确认新密码', 'Reset':'重设'}):
            with open('config.yaml', 'w') as file:
                yaml.dump(config, file, default_flow_style=False)
    except Exception as e:

        if authenticator.update_user_details(st.session_state["username"], location='sidebar', 
                                             fields={'Form name':'更新用户信息', 'Field':'更新项', 'Name':'姓名', 
                                                     'Email':'邮箱', 'New value':'更新为', 'Update':'更新'}):
            with open('config.yaml', 'w') as file:
                yaml.dump(config, file, default_flow_style=False)
    except Exception as e:

    st.write(f'欢迎: *{st.session_state["name"]}*')
    st.title('Some content')
elif st.session_state["authentication_status"] is False:
elif st.session_state["authentication_status"] is None:
    authenticator.login(fields={'Form name': '登录'})
mkhorasani commented 5 months ago

@ebynapura can you please elaborate by providing a snippet of your code and specify the version of Streamlit-Authenticator you are using?

import streamlit as st
import streamlit_authenticator as stauth
# from streamlit_authenticator import Authenticate
import yaml
from yaml.loader import SafeLoader

   initial_sidebar_state="collapsed",  # expanded auto

# Import the YAML file into your script
with open('config.yaml') as file:
    config = yaml.load(file, Loader=SafeLoader)

hashed_passwords = stauth.Hasher(['000000', '000000']).generate()
# print(hashed_passwords)

# Create the authenticator object
authenticator = stauth.Authenticate(

if st.session_state["authentication_status"]:
    authenticator.logout(button_name='退出账户', location='sidebar')
        if authenticator.reset_password(st.session_state["username"], location='sidebar',
                                        fields={'Form name':'重设密码', 'Current password':'当前密码', 
                                                'New password':'新密码', 'Repeat password': '确认新密码', 'Reset':'重设'}):
            with open('config.yaml', 'w') as file:
                yaml.dump(config, file, default_flow_style=False)
    except Exception as e:

        if authenticator.update_user_details(st.session_state["username"], location='sidebar', 
                                             fields={'Form name':'更新用户信息', 'Field':'更新项', 'Name':'姓名', 
                                                     'Email':'邮箱', 'New value':'更新为', 'Update':'更新'}):
            with open('config.yaml', 'w') as file:
                yaml.dump(config, file, default_flow_style=False)
    except Exception as e:

    st.write(f'欢迎: *{st.session_state["name"]}*')
    st.title('Some content')
elif st.session_state["authentication_status"] is False:
elif st.session_state["authentication_status"] is None:
    authenticator.login(fields={'Form name': '登录'})

Which version of Streamlit_authenticator are you using?

ebynapura commented 5 months ago

@ebynapura can you please elaborate by providing a snippet of your code and specify the version of Streamlit-Authenticator you are using?

Which version of Streamlit_authenticator are you using?

it's 0.3.1

mkhorasani commented 5 months ago

Dear @ebynapura you have raised an interesting issue, while I would not consider this to be a bug per se, it is indeed an issue that I need to address. The problem is that if you do not invoke the login widget, the max_concurrent_users attribute will not defined, leading to errors for other methods in the class. For your case if you can try to use the login widget before you use the reset password widget. And in the meantime, I will try to push a new release to address this issue.

ebynapura commented 5 months ago

Dear @ebynapura you have raised an interesting issue, while I would not consider this to be a

ok thx~

ochapeau commented 4 months ago

I had the same issue when using the function authenticator.reset_password() on a second page of my app as I want my users to have a dedicated page to account management. Calling the authenticator.login() before the authenticator.reset_password() in the code of the second page fixed it for now. I am using streamlit v1.31.1 and streamlit-authenticator v0.3.1. Thank you for the streamlit-authenticator library.

xtxxueyan commented 3 months ago

Dear @ebynapura you have raised an interesting issue, while I would not consider this to be a bug per se, it is indeed an issue that I need to address. The problem is that if you do not invoke the login widget, the max_concurrent_users attribute will not defined, leading to errors for other methods in the class. For your case if you can try to use the login widget before you use the reset password widget. And in the meantime, I will try to push a new release to address this issue.

This is a issue, I can't implement the ability to reset my password right now, even after reusing the login component

xtxxueyan commented 3 months ago

Dear @ebynapura you have raised an interesting issue, while I would not consider this to be a bug per se, it is indeed an issue that I need to address. The problem is that if you do not invoke the login widget, the max_concurrent_users attribute will not defined, leading to errors for other methods in the class. For your case if you can try to use the login widget before you use the reset password widget. And in the meantime, I will try to push a new release to address this issue.

When will this be fixed?

mkhorasani commented 3 months ago

Apologies for the delay, will try to release a new version this weekend.

eurojourney commented 3 months ago

Apologies for the delay, will try to release a new version this weekend.

Oh, fantastic, looking forward to this fix! I am also getting the same error and the suggestions above did not resolve it... Thank you for this library!

mkhorasani commented 3 months ago

Dear all this issue has now been fixed in v0.3.2. Thank you for your patience.