Open traverseda opened 1 week ago
Thank you @traverseda I will take this into consideration.
This is it for my lunch break, but here's how you can do this regardless with zict, monkey patch style.
storage = zict.File(directory="./accounts")
utf8_to_bytes = zict.Func(lambda x: x.encode('utf8'), lambda x: x.decode('utf8'), storage)
encoder = zict.Func(yaml.safe_dump, yaml.safe_load, utf8_to_bytes)
credential_store = {'usernames':encoder}
authenticator = stauth.Authenticate(
This will automatically store account data when it's updated, it's relatively efficient and should scale fine to real databases or other key-value stores.
Recommend against using Shelve in production
You can get steamlit-authenticator to automatically save user accounts using a construct like this:
This pairs even better with tools like zict
Which will create a new yaml file for each user. You can also use sqlite, or lmdb, or even postgres transports.
But none of that works because instead of taking the actual credentials object at face value you recreate it using a standard python dict.