mkimberlin / podiobooks-iphone

A iPhone Application
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Add "Favorites" section. #2

Closed mkimberlin closed 14 years ago

mkimberlin commented 14 years ago

It would be nice to be able to "favorite" a book. That way you don't have to search for it everytime. This functionality would require the ability to track the current user. I'm not sure how feasible this is until we get the new site up. I might be able to use google authentication as a stop gap solution. However, I don't want to force all users of the app to have google accounts if they don't want them. I will look into whether I can limit the authentication to only the "favorite" functionality. That way, if users don't want to use google they can just decline to use that part of the app.

jasonmfarrow commented 14 years ago

This is going to need somthing like a plist for the app to store a favourite. That way it all stays part of the app and does not need separate authentication. Ps. I have no idea how to do this but I know that they exist for other apps.

mkimberlin commented 14 years ago

This is complete and deployed...whew