Cassandra cluster with two nodes. Trying to execute a select command to the cluster, when one node is down (keyspace made with replication factor 2), by calling $perlcassa->exec($select_query). It throws 'Cassandra::UnavailableException'
It seems that the 'Cassandra::Compression::NONE' option, when calling $client->execute_prepared_cql3_query (lines 378 and 386) is not used. As a result the 'Cassandra::ConsistencyLevel::ONE' is not parsed properly. I would expect my select query to be executed when one node is down.
Solving the problem:
Just commenting the lines 378 and 386 in . Btw, should 'Cassandra::ConsistencyLevel::ONE' be hard-coded in the function?
Setup: Cassandra cluster with two nodes. Trying to execute a select command to the cluster, when one node is down (keyspace made with replication factor 2), by calling $perlcassa->exec($select_query). It throws 'Cassandra::UnavailableException'
Description: It seems that the 'Cassandra::Compression::NONE' option, when calling $client->execute_prepared_cql3_query (lines 378 and 386) is not used. As a result the 'Cassandra::ConsistencyLevel::ONE' is not parsed properly. I would expect my select query to be executed when one node is down.
Solving the problem: Just commenting the lines 378 and 386 in . Btw, should 'Cassandra::ConsistencyLevel::ONE' be hard-coded in the function?
Used: Cassandra 1.2 ActivePerl 5.14.2 perlcassa 0.50
Thank you, George