mkkellogg / GaussianSplats3D

Three.js-based implementation of 3D Gaussian splatting
MIT License
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How do you guys make your splats? #223

Open lewibs opened 1 month ago

lewibs commented 1 month ago

Hi everyone, I'm working on a research project and I have been looking into different methods for guassian splat generation so I can make a data set for object detection.

I've got two questions:

  1. How do you guys like to make your guassian splats?
  2. Would you be willing to share yours with me at
seppestaes commented 1 month ago

Do you need splats for object detection, or could a pointcloud generated with e.g. COLMAP suffice?

seppestaes commented 1 month ago
  1. I'm using SplatFacto, but don't have a lot of data (yet)
  2. How do you plan to annotate the splat/clouds? Cloudcompare? Will you be doing semantic segmentation? Preprocessing with Open3D?


lewibs commented 1 month ago

@seppestaes Hey! thanks for the response either one would work. From what I can tell the underlying structure between the two is close enough that it could be transferred over.

Ive actually been moving away from using ai to do the heavy lifting and just using something like knn to get the shape of the object, then use the AI to determine the cutoff points.

seppestaes commented 1 month ago

@lewibs Are you trying two match two pointclouds? If so, you could try Open3D using traditional CV e.g.