mkkellogg / GaussianSplats3D

Three.js-based implementation of 3D Gaussian splatting
MIT License
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Certain 3DGS models cause crashes on iOS browsers #245

Open karlleungkm opened 3 weeks ago

karlleungkm commented 3 weeks ago

As title says, when loading certain models (such as the garden scene in the online demo, both low and high quality), no matter through viewer or drop-in viewer, the page crashes and shows the "A problem repeatedly occured" error. The issue persists whether using .ply or .ksplat formats. Additionally, whether the page crashes or not, occasionally the progress window would show the loading progress reach 100%, then drop down to 0% and start climbing again.

Tested in Chrome and Safari on: iPhone 14 Pro, running:

mkkellogg commented 3 weeks ago

Just to clarify: this doesn't happen on all models? For models that do cause a crash, are they typically large models or is there some other distinguishing characteristic about them?

karlleungkm commented 3 weeks ago

It's not all models, no. The ones that do crash are large models, but not all of the large models (both scene or file size) cause crashes; We can't really find any sort of common pattern between the models causing crashes

mkkellogg commented 3 weeks ago

Large models crashing on mobile devices is unfortunately quite common. If you can consistently load smaller models without crashes, I would be file size (splat count) is the culprit here. Are you enabling spherical harmonics? Disabling them or only using 1st degree should help.

mkkellogg commented 1 week ago

I recently made some updates around memory usage, you might be able to get away with using compressed .ksplat files for larger scenes now.