mkleehammer / pyodbc

Python ODBC bridge
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Execution of select query returns wrong values (floats become very large integers) #1142

Closed SimoneD89 closed 1 year ago

SimoneD89 commented 1 year ago


Issue/Describe the bug

I hit the following bug by trying to use the module scriptforge (to use python functions in libreoffice Calc).

I've tried to reduce the example as much as possible. The script imports a float number from a sql query. When executed from shell it returns -0.65, when executed from libreoffice calc it returns -650000000. I suspect it is related to local configurations. It could be a duplicate of

To Reproduce

from scriptforge import CreateScriptService
from module import import_float

def test(args=None) -> None:
    float_number = float(import_float())

    doc = CreateScriptService("Calc")
    doc.SetValue("A12", float_number)
    return None
import os
import pyodbc

def import_float(args=None) -> float:
    # Connection to the server
    driver = "{ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}"
    url, database, uid, pwd = ...
    cnxn = pyodbc.connect(
        "Driver={" + driver + "};"
        "Server=" + url + ";"
        "Database=" + database + ";"
        "uid=" + uid + ";"
        "pwd=" + pwd
    cursor = cnxn.cursor()

    # Query to select a single float number [decimal(38, 9)]
    query = (
        "SELECT TOP 1 column FROM Table"

    float_number = list(cursor.execute(query))[0][0]

    return float_number


When the test ( function is executed from libreoffice Calc, it returns -650000000 instead of -0,65. If I put the import_float function inside it correctly returns -0.65. In the past I already hit similar bugs without using scriptforge/libreoffice).

gordthompson commented 1 year ago

In your import_float function, what is repr(float_number) immediately before you return it?

SimoneD89 commented 1 year ago

When executed directly (e.g. from shell python it returns Decimal('-0.650000000'). When executed from libreoffice calc (running a macro python ), it returns Decimal('-650000000'). I used the following code to intercept repr(float_number) in both cases.

def import_float(args=None) -> float:
    float_number = list(cursor.execute(query))[0][0]

    with open("/home/user/float_number.txt", "w") as file:
    return float_number
gordthompson commented 1 year ago

Can you confirm that the correct value is entered into Calc if you use this instead?

SELECT TOP 1 CAST(column AS float) FROM Table
SimoneD89 commented 1 year ago

It works, whit your suggestion I get the correct value.

Thank you very much for your help. What was the problem?

gordthompson commented 1 year ago

As you suspected, it's almost certainly the same issue as #753 . Have you tried doing


before executing your (original) query? It might save you having to remember to CAST(), and would also help if you actually wanted to keep the return value as decimal() instead of float.

SimoneD89 commented 1 year ago

It also works with pyodbc.setDecimalSeparator(".").

Thank you very much.

gordthompson commented 1 year ago

Duplicate of #753