Open IJkb opened 2 years ago
The custom targets execute avrdude as defined in the scripts. You just have to specify the target you want to run in your call of cmake, like "cmake [...] get_fuses". In your case it is something like upload, I believe. Sorry, it's been a while I used it actively and I have to look too :)
Avr_dude is just the programming tool I used. Setting up another programmer with its settings is also possible.
I hope that helps a bit.
"make help" shows you all the possible targets. So, it's not cmake, but make you call with the target.
As I said, it's been a while.
I created hex-files with the help of this great repository, thanks already for this very helpful project! Now I want to upload my code to a MCU (using avrdude!?) But I haven't really exactly figured out how this would work. There seems to be some connection between cmake and avrdude, is that correct? For example there are some things set in the CMakeLists.txt like
later in the "generic-gcc-avr.cmake", these definitions are used for add_custom_target()-functions:
Calls target_compile_definitions with AVR target names
function(avr_target_compile_definitions EXECUTABLE_TARGET) if(NOT ARGN) message(FATAL_ERROR "No compile definitions to add to ${EXECUTABLE_TARGET}.") endif()
target_compile_definitions(${TARGET_LIST} ${extra_args}) endfunction()
get status
add_custom_target( get_status ${AVR_UPLOADTOOL} ${AVR_UPLOADTOOL_BASE_OPTIONS} -P ${AVR_UPLOADTOOL_PORT} -n -v COMMENT "Get status from ${AVR_MCU}" )
get fuses
add_custom_target( get_fuses ${AVR_UPLOADTOOL} ${AVR_UPLOADTOOL_BASE_OPTIONS} -P ${AVR_UPLOADTOOL_PORT} -n -U lfuse:r:-:b -U hfuse:r:-:b COMMENT "Get fuses from ${AVR_MCU}" )
set fuses
add_custom_target( set_fuses ${AVR_UPLOADTOOL} ${AVR_UPLOADTOOL_BASE_OPTIONS} -P ${AVR_UPLOADTOOL_PORT} -U lfuse:w:${AVR_L_FUSE}:m -U hfuse:w:${AVR_H_FUSE}:m COMMENT "Setup: High Fuse: ${AVR_H_FUSE} Low Fuse: ${AVR_L_FUSE}" )
get oscillator calibration
add_custom_target( get_calibration ${AVR_UPLOADTOOL} ${AVR_UPLOADTOOL_BASE_OPTIONS} -P ${AVR_UPLOADTOOL_PORT} -U calibration:r:${AVR_MCU}_calib.tmp:r COMMENT "Write calibration status of internal oscillator to ${AVR_MCU}_calib.tmp." )
set oscillator calibration
add_custom_target( set_calibration ${AVR_UPLOADTOOL} ${AVR_UPLOADTOOL_BASE_OPTIONS} -P ${AVR_UPLOADTOOL_PORT} -U calibration:w:${AVR_MCU}_calib.hex COMMENT "Program calibration status of internal oscillator from ${AVR_MCU}_calib.hex." ) endfunction()
but what is happening here exactly? Could anyone elaborate or point me to to the documentation for these details? Also, as stated in the topic, how does this cmake-avr interact with avrdude or some other mechanisms to upload the code to my mcu?