mklimek / frame-video-view

Less issues with VideoView
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Mediaplayer prepare failure handling #10

Closed m-kubis closed 8 years ago

m-kubis commented 8 years ago

Added a callback for media player preparation failure. This takes care of the case where the device is unable to play the file due to unsupported codec (some older KitKat devices). For some devices the player is prepared and finished instantly, but for some it fails to prepare and gets stuck on a black view.

Also updated gradle/build tools.

This is the API breaking change. Should be probably updated to 1.3.0. One note regarding the versioning. I have noticed you had moved from the gradle versioning to tagging release revisions only. Unfortunately to deploy the library to my local repo i have to add

archivesBaseName = "frame-video-view"
version = "1.3.0"

to gradle script to be installed with a correct module name (instead of :library) and version. Do you use any other approach for local deployment?

mklimek commented 8 years ago

@m-kubis Thank you again :) Since I use jitpack for publishing I don't have to provide version. Jitpack parses releases from github. I use the same approach as you for local testing.