mkobuolys / kazlauskas-dev

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Feedback #1

Open xaoo opened 1 year ago

xaoo commented 1 year ago

Amazing documentation about Design Patterns, very comprehensive, easy to understand.

Here, you mention: "yes, I do consider your feedback, so do not hesitate to share your insights about the series - it helps me improve the quality of the content a lot!".

I did not found a direct link to send feedback, so I just assumed it was here :).

  1. It would be nice to see all Design Patterns directly in their appropriate category: "Creational", "Structural", "Behavioral" (as in the mobile animation), of course already expanded for a better UX. I think I would consume the content better, and understand where each Design Pattern suits better.
  2. I found lots of examples for Class Diagrams explanations, unfortunately they were all inconsistent, even different or missing important explanation or elements. It would make a lot of sense if you also provide a new blog post (or a series of them), with all the explanations, ex.: what each arrow means, why that particular arrow was used, how to use them to better represent an architectural class diagram.
  3. This is related to the 2nd point, maybe an in-depth blog post with exercises, where we can try to implement the requirement ourselves, pick the correct pattern(s) design the correct class diagram. But maybe not with so obvious exercises like car classes, animal classes or people classes, something more abstract where its no so obvious/easy to implement/create the architecture, then the implementation (I hope this is intelligible). We can choose to see also a provided solution(s) to compare and learn.
mkobuolys commented 1 year ago

Hey! Thank you for the feedback.

1) Could you elaborate on this point a little bit more? Web and mobile views for the app are identical, just the responsive principles are applied. Meaning, all the patterns are provided in their corresponding categories, just maybe the list is collapsed, true. Do you think just expanding the section by default would help? 2) I do not think that class diagrams are inconsistent, just maybe that's related to the point you mentioned:

<...> they were all inconsistent, even different or missing important explanation or elements. It would make a lot of sense if you also provide a new blog post (or a series of them), with all the explanations, ex.: what each arrow means, why that particular arrow was used...

Indeed, different arrows mean different things (e.g. implements vs extends), thus you could see they are different across the class diagrams. However, I think I should go through all of them and double-check, and update them if needed.

3) I see your point, just teaching/educating about the UML notation was not my goal. However, writing an introductory article explaining the notation may help the readers - I will think about it. What's related to challenges - I hear you, just I am not sure how this should work. Maybe it would make sense to write another article series about Flutter Design Patterns in real life, and how certain problems required the corresponding OOP solutions. I talked about it a bit in my Design Patterns talk, maybe it would require continuous effort and writing an article once a certain real-world example occurs.

xaoo commented 1 year ago
  1. Sure, right now, all Design Patterns are within the same parent (same level/indentation). Maybe, if possible in Docusaurus, each DP can have "Creational" or "Structural" or "Behavioral" as parents (some form of category separation). As UX, I can collapse each category and at any time, for example:

    Design Patters


    DP1 DP2


    DP3 DP4


    DP5 DP6

  2. Sorry for the misunderstanding, I meant the inconsistency in Class Diagrams are between different articles on the internet, not your blog. The point here is, if possible, to have a pre-requisite document, where I can study all Class Diagrams particularities/notations, maybe with some small examples, then when I come back to a DP, I would be able to understand the 'WHYs'. Here I just assume if you are going to do this blog, it would be very consistent with all examples in DPs.

  3. Flutter Design Patterns in real life this would make a lot of sense, with some homework for the readers, DIY then come and compare the possible solutions.