mkocabas / VIBE

Official implementation of CVPR2020 paper "VIBE: Video Inference for Human Body Pose and Shape Estimation"
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Pose tracking non-functional due to incorrect code #227

Closed VisionaryMind closed 2 years ago

VisionaryMind commented 2 years ago

Currently, it is not possible to use the pose tracking method (in place of bbox), as your code is pointing to your Linux machine's home directory. For example, running the following command:

python --vid_file input/test.mp4 --output_folder output/ --tracking_method pose --display --run_smplify

This yields the following error:

Running "ffmpeg -i input/test.mp4 -f image2 -v error /tmp/test_mp4/%06d.png"
Images saved to "/tmp/test_mp4"
Input video number of frames 3905
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 414, in <module>
  File "", line 86, in main
    tracking_results = run_posetracker(video_file, staf_folder=args.staf_dir, display=args.display)
  File "/content/VIBE/lib/utils/", line 92, in run_posetracker
  File "/content/VIBE/lib/utils/", line 33, in run_openpose
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '**/home/mkocabas/developments/openposetrack**

It looks like this pose method requires a valid path to the directory for the STAF pose tracking method, but it is instead pointing by default to /home/mkocabas/developments/openposetrack.

I will attempt to manually download and re-run the method.

VisionaryMind commented 2 years ago

I have installed OpenPose on the test system and pointed the staf_dir argument to it. VIBE is able to run the Multi-Person Tracker without a problem, but when it gets to the tracklet step, it fails with:

  File "", line 405, in <module>
  File "", line 155, in main
    norm_joints2d.append(nj2d.numpy().reshape(-1, 21, 3))
ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 1200 into shape (21,3)

Would you be able to advise how the code might be modified to allow OpenPose datasets? I wish to use the SMPLify and smoothing functions, which do not work with bbox.

VisionaryMind commented 2 years ago

I was able to find a solution for this problem by changing the batch processing size for the OpenPose joints from 21 to 25. Here is the change at line 155:

for batch in dataloader:
    if has_keypoints:
        batch, nj2d = batch
        norm_joints2d.append(nj2d.numpy().reshape(-1, 25, 3))

Now, there is another problem, attempting to convert the resulting PKL to FBX:

Input path: D:\mocap\VIBE\output/20sdance_short/vibe_output.pkl
Output path: D:\mocap\VIBE\output/20sdance_short/fbx_output.fbx
Processing: D:\mocap\VIBE\output/20sdance_short/vibe_output.pkl
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "lib/utils/", line 320, in <module>
  File "lib/utils/", line 166, in process_poses
    poses = data[person_id]['pose']
KeyError: 1
Error: Not freed memory blocks: 8, total unfreed memory 0.010223 MB

Not sure how the PKL is different now with the OpenPose / SMPLified output. Apparently, it cannot find a person ID.

VisionaryMind commented 2 years ago

It would appear that when using OpenPose, the first person ID begins at -1. The FBX import can be modified either directly to accommodate this problem or the original and submodules can be changed instead. For now, to get it working, I changed line 154:

def process_poses(

If there will be time, I will take a look to see where in the processing change this negative ID number is being injected.
mkocabas commented 2 years ago

Per explained in the demo readme, you need to install STAF to enable pose tracking. After installation you need to give the path to your version to run it. OpenPose is a per frame tracking method and it doesn't work when there are multiple people.

VisionaryMind commented 2 years ago

This issue was closed prematurely. All the problems stated above exist with the post tracking installed from the STAF repository, using a single human figure. That said, I have noticed that the OpenPose / STAF output is considerably less accurate than bbox.