mkocabas / VIBE

Official implementation of CVPR2020 paper "VIBE: Video Inference for Human Body Pose and Shape Estimation"
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The requirements are too out-dated #280

Open jasonbarthes opened 1 year ago

jasonbarthes commented 1 year ago

For people who try to use this model in 2023 or later: Don't use it and look for a new one. I 'm not complaining. The versions of the libraries are probably older than your current environment. I have spent a whole day on it just to get the program running and finally failed because of the conflicts. Meanwhile, the connection which helps you download the files always fails, followed by 404 or an error. As for permission issues and other annoying things, not to mention. It may be a good project, but if you don't update it or make it upward compatible, fewer and fewer people will be able to use it.

lizc126 commented 1 year ago

For people who try to use this model in 2023 or later: Don't use it and look for a new one. I 'm not complaining. The versions of the libraries are probably older than your current environment. I have spent a whole day on it just to get the program running and finally failed because of the conflicts. Meanwhile, the connection which helps you download the files always fails, followed by 404 or an error. As for permission issues and other annoying things, not to mention. It may be a good project, but if you don't update it or make it upward compatible, fewer and fewer people will be able to use it.

Hi, any recommendation for some new projects? I am thinking of using it to capture 3d human pose. Thank you in advance!

jpalachniak commented 11 months ago

For people who try to use this model in 2023 or later: Don't use it and look for a new one. I 'm not complaining. The versions of the libraries are probably older than your current environment. I have spent a whole day on it just to get the program running and finally failed because of the conflicts. Meanwhile, the connection which helps you download the files always fails, followed by 404 or an error. As for permission issues and other annoying things, not to mention. It may be a good project, but if you don't update it or make it upward compatible, fewer and fewer people will be able to use it.

For people who try to use this model in 2023 or later: Don't use it and look for a new one. I 'm not complaining. The versions of the libraries are probably older than your current environment. I have spent a whole day on it just to get the program running and finally failed because of the conflicts. Meanwhile, the connection which helps you download the files always fails, followed by 404 or an error. As for permission issues and other annoying things, not to mention. It may be a good project, but if you don't update it or make it upward compatible, fewer and fewer people will be able to use it.

Hi, any recommendation for some new projects? I am thinking of using it to capture 3d human pose. Thank you in advance!

For me everything was working okayish. After installation as shown in the VIBE installation for Windows tutorial I just had to downgrade pyglet to version 1.5.27 (from 2.0.8 (the newest one)) and create subfolder "vibe_data" in folder "data". From there program runs smoothly. Just remember to install all the right versions of libraries (not newer) and also python, for me it was 3.7, just like in the tutorial