mkocansey / bladewind

BladewindUI is a collection of elegant Laravel blade-based UI components spiced with TailwindCSS and Javascript.
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disabled input and select #293

Closed jaguarman closed 18 hours ago

jaguarman commented 4 days ago

in my show.blade.php I want to show the associated values of a database record. As you can see in the screenshot, there a 3 different ways a disabled element is shown.

1) It's not clear for the user wether the input is disabled or not. 2) <x-bladewind::select :data="$sectors" label="{{ ('Branche') }}" disabled="true" selected_value="{{ $client->sector_id }}" .... very poor readability (wrote that already in E-Mail) 3) <x-bladewind::input type="numeric" label="{{ ('Umsatz') }}" disabled="true" selected_value="{{ $client->volume }}" .... good readability, gray background clearly says: "no input here". That's very good.

I would wish all baldewind inputs/selects would behave like that ;-)

bladewind disabled

mkocansey commented 4 days ago

The styling needs to definitely be consistent. Thanks @jaguarman for bringing this up.